Welcome to CAMP!

We are a thriving community of women entrepreneurs where inclusivity and collaboration are at the heart of everything we do. Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive space where women can connect, learn, and grow together, leveraging the strength of collective knowledge on their personal and professional journey.


Our mission at CAMP is to empower entrepreneurs by providing a supportive and collaborative community. Through our experiential programs, resources, and networking opportunities, we aim to create an environment where entrepreneurs can gather, share their experiences, and learn from one another. By fostering innovation, resilience, and long-term business success, we are dedicated to helping entrepreneurs confidently navigate their challenges and unlock their full potential.


At CAMP, we envision a future where the first five years of business are no longer seen as a daunting journey but rather an exhilarating adventure filled with growth opportunities.

In this future, emerging entrepreneurs will be empowered with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to navigate the challenges and capitalize on the numerous opportunities that arise. We see ourselves as the catalysts, providing a comprehensive suite of programs, mentorship opportunities, and networking events that ignite the flames of innovation and fuel the drive for success.

Meet the Team

  • Lara Smedley

    CAMP Director

  • Kathryn Cuddihee

    Operations Manager

  • Vanessa Cordova

    Marketing Coordinator

  • Jasmin Parks-Papadopoulos

    Social Media Manager

How we got


Created in 2005 by Betsy Wiersma, CAMP, then known as CampExperience™ Network, started with a vision to create a transformative experience for women in business. Initially the goal was for members to disconnect from their busy lives and connect with themselves and others, with a strong emphasis on community and serving others. Since then, the organization has grown to become a thriving network of like-minded women who support each other in their personal and professional journeys.